Friday, June 25, 2010


The first of April 2009 I found out that I was pregnant! Nothing could have been more exciting! It was amazing! I went to the doctors and found out that I was due on December 23. James and I immediately began looking up baby names and taking long strolls through the baby isles in Walmart. Though this was awesome, it was also hard! I was just starting another semester in school, and was busy busy with all the bands i was in, and working too. The semester went by pretty well though, and I discovered I have no morning sickness..... I get night sickness! Around 4pm and on through the evening, i would get feeling so sick! But what can ya do?! The best part was when I had my ultrasound, saw my little baby moving around in there, and found out I was having a boy!!

Oh gosh were we in trouble! James and I had never been able to agree on a single boy's name! We new for sure a name for a girl, but when it came to boys we were out of luck.....great.

The next semester started in September, and this was a bit harder than the previous. I was now starting to get big. My tummy was growing and growing, and I was so uncomfortable in those desks!! On some days I had to make a hike from the bottom of the hill (Romney building) clear up to the top (Hinckley building) in 15 minutes. i would die! There were a few times, there at the end of the semester, that I thought I was going to go into labor, I was hurting so bad!

On the Monday of the last week of school I went to the Doc. and he said that I was at a 5, and looking good, he said that I would probably have the baby in the next day or so. EXCITING!!! Well, I finished all my finals on Wednesday and Thursday we were at the hospital!

Everything went great, and I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy Logan James Sheffield at 9:15 pm on December 17, 2009! He weighed exactly 7 pounds and was 18 inches long. And he was soo happy! As soon as he came out he was wide eyed and checking out the world! He was looking at everything, and just loving it!

I love being a mom! Logan has made me the happiest mommy ever! I LOVE MY BOYS!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How it all Started....

Me and James met at BYU-Idaho in the fall of 2007. We were in the same socail dance class on campus. We danced with each other several times, just talking brielfy as we did so. It didn't take long for us to realize that we much preferred dancing with each other over anyone else in the class. Well, the time came for our first dance test. And our teacher announced at the begining of class that we would need to pick a partner to do our dance test with. Before I could even find him, I looked and saw James walking toward me. My heart leapt, I realy liked him! And he must like me too! He came up to me and said, "miss Monica, would you like to be my dance partner?" I quickly responded with a YES!

The next week we had our dance test and things went great! We got 100%! At the end of our class James caught me again and asked if I had a date to the Fall Formal that weekend, which i didn't. He then asked if he could take me. I could not have been smiling any bigger when I said, "I'd love to!" So we exchanged numbers and were on our way. All that week we hung out together every single day after classes! Then we had a great time at the dance! By the end of the semester we were boy friend- girl friend, and not sure where things were going to end up. James is from kaysville Utah and I am a local here in Rexburg. But we decided to give the long distance relationship a try, and just see how things worked out over the winter semester. so we would make trips back and forth on weekends to see each other and to spend time together, and things looked good....

We were engaged on March 28, 2008 and had set a date to be married in the Rexburg temple for August 1.

Wedding plans were on their way, and everything was falling into place. We had decided to do one of our receptions in my parents yard, so we were working hard to have it all ready for the big day. While working, my mom started to feel realy sick. She has been dealing with MS for many years and just figured that's what was wrong. Finally we were able to convince her to see a doctor just to check. That friday (the last day of school, and two weeks from our wedding day) I had just finished all my finals and things for school and was at work. It was a little after 4:00pm and I recieved a call. I knew my mom had been to the doctor and so decided to take the call in the break room. When I answered I could tell my mom was upset. I asked her what was going on and she said that she had something to ask me, and that it was going to blow my mind. She then started to cry and she said, "Monica, I was wondering if you could get married tomorrow so that I can be there." By now I was also crying and I said, "Mom, whats going on? What did the doctors find? Is something wrong?" She then explained that they found that she has lukeimia and that of the types that there are she has the worst. And that she also has the worst form of that kind, AML. She said, "I told the doctors your wedding was in two weeks, and asked if I could stay, but they said that I needed to start treaments right away and need to be there on Monday. So if you would get married tomorrow, I will be able to be there." This was so much for me to take in, and I was crying, but I told her that we would work it out, and I then called James. I was crying so badly that I ended up just having him come to my work so that we could talk. I told him what was going on and we made some calls to the family. Meanwhile everyone I worked with was wondering what the heck was going on, and I asked if i could leave. As we were leaving James and I realized that it was almost 5:00pm and the courthouse closes at 5 and we still didn't have our marriage liscence. So we rushed over to the courthouse and it was still open, then they told us we were in the wrong building and we needed to go across the street to the other building. We made it there just in time though and the ladies there were so kind in helping us with everything. By this time its almost 6 and we rush to the distribution center to get my garments and temple clothes, which I didn't have, and the distribution center closed at 6. We made it again just in time and the wonderful people there stayed open 30 min late to help me! when we thought we had everything, we called the temple to reschedule things, and they requested that we come up there, that the president wanted to talk to us. So we arrived at the temple and spoke with the president, told him our situation, and he said that they would work everything out for us. He said he would have loved to perform the sealing himself, but had other obligations to attend to. We were able to get my endowment scheduled for that morning and our sealing that afternoon. We were able then to leave and go get other things we needed to done. Not too long after we left though, the temple called us and said that they had accidentally schedule my endowment for a spanish speaking session. ;) but we were able to get everything worked out!

By now my head was spinning, I was excited but sad, nervous but anxious, and a little scared. I then had to call my best friend Annalise and tell her that I would not be able to attend her wedding tomorrow. when she asked why I told her that I was getting married too! And then continued to explain the whole story. James dropped me off and we said goodnight goodbyes for the last time. The next day July 19, 2008 James and I were married, sealed to each other for time and all eternity. It was perfect! everything went wonderful! I even got to see Annalise in the brides room and we shared a locker in the temple! So awesome! Everything was sooo beautiful, and all of James' family was able to attend! That night we went to Annie's wedding reception.

We ended up keeping our receptions and things scheduled as they were, to be in two weeks. The reception at my parents house was beautiful and most everyone was there. except for one of the most important people. My mom. There was deffinitely a big whole that day, where she was missing. The next day we had our reception in Utah, and it too was gorgeous! All that next week was our honeymoon, we did make a couple specail visits to my mom in cancer treatment in utah and then the last half of or honymoon we went to Island Park to stay at my grandparents cabin. We had just been there a few hours and I recieve a call from my dad, he told me that my mom had a brain hemmorage and a stroke, and that she was now in a comma, not responding to anything. My heart sunk and I started crying again. We immediately packed up and headed back to Utah.

Things got really bad, one worst case scenerio after another just kept happening. They finally sent my mom home to die. Told us she wouldn't live long, maybe not even the trip back to Rexburg. We were all praying as ahrd as we could the whole ride home. A week later she kinda started to wake up, just opening her eyes for a few seconds here and there. We then had a fast, in which all of the local wards participated in, and that day she woke up for real. And that is where her memory starts again. Doctors came and checked her out and slowly she seemed a little better. Over the next few months she went through rehab and had to learn to walk, talk, eat, and use her arms again. Long story short, it was a long road, but she is doing great today (2 years later)! The lukeimia is all gone and she is just slowly going through the healing process.

I know this is a crazy long wedding story, but its such a big part of who James and I are. We grew so clos to each other, so quickly! This experience brought us together as a couple quicker and closer than anything else could have. We now have such a great close relationship, that I am greatful for the hard experience we ahd as newly weds.